Sunday, December 26, 2004

A Personal Problem

Ok, here’s a hypothetical (possibly could have happened to me) situation.

Let’s say, for example, that I’ve been occasionally talking to a certain male on the phone. The last time I talk to them, they end the conversation prematurely and say that they’ll call me back. So, the next day, I call him back to see how he’s doing, but he doesn’t answer his phone. Then less than a minute later, I get a call back, and there’s a young lady on the phone who asked me if I dialed the number I just dialed. So I say yes. Then the young lady asks me who I’m calling for. Duh! I’m calling the person who the cell phone belongs to, I say to myself. But I tell her the guy’s name. And she’s like, “He’s busy. Can I take a message?” So I say just to tell him that I called.

Say, I don’t really trust the sound of the young lady’s voice, or that she’ll give the guy my message, so I call back a couple of hours later and he answers the phone. I ask him if he got my message and if he’s busy. He says yeah. I ask him what he’s doing, and he says he’s “visiting with some friends.” Hmm. Okay. So I ask him if he’ll call me back later, and he’s all vague. Whatever.

Let’s say, just for kicks, that a young lady calls back a few minutes later—the same one who answered the phone before—and tells me her name, and then asks me if the guy told me that he had a girlfriend. I say no. (I’d actually met her a few days before and he introduced her to me as his “friend.” And she didn’t seem to have a problem with it then. But she doesn’t know that I am same person that had called.) Then she says that she doesn’t like other girls/women calling her man. So what? I’m thinking, Sounds like a personal problem to me, I think. But I say, “Ok, thanks. Bye.”

That was me being nice. Hypothetically, I could have told the young lady that all out of all the conversations that the gentleman and I had, he never once mentioned his girlfriend, and actually gave the impression that he was single. And when a friend of mine asked him about his girlfriend, he got all indignant and didn’t want to talk about it. That should have let me know right there, but I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, because I hadn’t known him long enough and didn’t want to jump to conclusions. I wasn’t even trying to go with the guy. But seriously, he's trying to hide the girl to the end. I ask him what he's doing and he says, "I'm visiting with some friends," rather than, "I'm visiting my girlfriend in another state, and I'm with her right now, so please stop calling me because she suspects my fidelity and is jealous, so stop calling me."

So, the point of this possible situation is just to say that if your significant other is ashamed to mention you for whatever reason—and you conveniently happen to live in another state—don’t get mad at the person who has been calling them. That person needs to ask why their boyfriend/girlfriend has been trying to hide their existence, and probably going around flirting with other people. That’s just really immature and crazy.

I am too old to have to be dealing with this kind of mess.

But I am reminded:

"Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another.Even as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also." —Colossians 10:13

Saturday, December 18, 2004


I just got back from taking my little sister and her friend to a high school basketball tournament that was 30 miles away in the middle of nowhere. What fun. Alabama is great for that. Not to mention the horribly inaccurate directions my mom gave me from yahoo!. Driving down and dark, sinuous highway when you don't know where you're going isn't the best way to spend a Saturday night. It's a good thing her school won, otherwise. . .

The team is rather good, though. They're currently undefeated I actually enjoy watching basketball very much. I guess I like the physicality of the game the most, how the players are aggressive, yet graceful, all at the same time. My dad always says, "Basketball is a contact sport." And I believe that's true in a sense. (I'm in no way referring to the brawl that broke out between those players and fans that has created so much controversy recently.)

Then there's school. Sigh. I'm so ready for it to be over. I'm on break right now, so I've been taking it easy. I still have a lot of art work from Figure Drawing that I need to upload. I'm finally done with that class (I had to have three), but Claire (my instructor), said that I could come back anytime to the class and draw, so hopefully I'll have time between my two intensive graphic design classes and photography to do it. I shudder just thinking of all the lab hours I'm going to spend on campus next semester.

We'll see how often I get to update then.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Something Old, Something New

The photos are up>> Club Underpants

Today is the last day of classes for the semester and I'm currently skipping two of them. Such a great idea right before the final, right? I still have so much reading to catch up on in World Lit, it's quite sad.

On a personal note, my fiancé and I are no longer together, so Sharon (me) has been sad panda recently. But, I believe that it's for the best, for both of us. It seems we're doing more growth apart than we were doing together, so that's positive. Still, being with someone for so long (two years) you get used to certain things, like them always being there, or always being able to call them. However, this caused me to have a lack of friends outside of that relationship, so now I'm able to branch out and meet more people, i.e, the attendance of Club Underpants.

Now my sister Nicole is talking about wanting to go to Italy next summer. I'm supposed to be going with her, so we'll see how it goes.

Monday, December 06, 2004

checking in

I went to an awesome party Saturday night in Pensacola, FL (about 45 minutes from Mobile). It was hosted by a very cool guy we met last weekend named Jarad. I've got lots of pics that I'll be posting soon, so stay tuned.

Last weekend my sister Nicole and I went to Pensacola to volunteer with the Jehovah's Witness Relief effort that was going on there, to help repair the damage done to people's homes by Hurricane Ivan. We had an awesome time, we stayed for two days and didn't have to spend any money hardly, because we were fed breakfast, lunch (which as brought to us on the work site), and dinner. Now I can put roof-stripping (there's a whole inside joke around that phrase) experience on my resumé. It was a very worthwhile and spiritually-upbuilding experience.