Monday, May 26, 2003

Laura's art

Breakdancer - a drawing my youngest sister (14) did for her school project I showed her how to use the grid system to draw it as accurate as possible. She's been buggin' me for the longest to put this on my site. I think it's pretty good for her first try.

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Character drawings: Dyanna, Neera (redraw), Carmen

::new artwork: dyanna star colored

Wow. . . I'm on a role. ^__^

Well, I've decided to redraw some of the character sketches I did. Neera and Dyanna look really good, and the rest are drawn in kinda different styles, especially Carmen and Rita—probably because of the references I used. Anyway, I really want to get this comic going, but it's going to take a lot of work on my part. I'm going to have to start drawing. . . ::gasp:: . . .backgrounds.

It's not that I can't draw them. I just get lazy after I've drawn the figure. Plus, I hate doint perspective and having to use a straight edge. I like doing, soft, curvy lines. However, if I'm a real artist, it shouldn't be that bad. We'll see. : /

Friday, May 23, 2003

6000 hits!

I almsot forgot to mention it. . .

Thanx to all you who keep coming back to see my site--even though I probably contributed about a thousand hits myself. : P I think I've really come a long was as far as design and all that, and I'm glad that I get a positive response to what I'm doing.

new art: carmen & rita profiles

I went on a drawing spree last night after I took a break from a commission I was working on. I cranked out two more character profiles. I would have done one more, but it was already two o'clock in the morning. I think they turned out ok.

carmen | rita

I also updated the color and fan art galleries. Enjoy. =)

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Ground Zero initiation

I went to a new/different comic book store today. I'd never been there before, and I'd heard it advertised on the radio for while, so I decided to check it out. It was a lot more spacious than the other comic store that I'd been going to. Inside, there was this guy at a table sorting comics (turned out to be the manager, Scottie) and this goy sitting at one of the tables playing a hand-held game. The manager turned out to be very helpful. It took him quite a while to find the new Gen13, but I applaud his efforts.

I ended up buying four titles: Gen 13 #9, X-treme X-Men #21, Sojourn #22 and #23, and Peter Parker: Spiderman (Khary Randolph did the pencils). With each book being about $3 a piece, my total was only $8 and some odd cents. I'm definitely shopping there from now on. =)

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

::New link:: Eddie Holly—an excellent artist. I absolutely envy his line quality an the little details he puts into his constantly reminds me that I should draw waaaaaaaay more than I do.

::New art:: AG summer colored—not exactly new—but here's a larger version.

Friday, May 16, 2003

aced Brit Lit

Ok, you may have noticed the new color scheme. It looks really plain right now, but I'm not done yet. I'm still working out how I want this thing to look.

Oh yeah. . . I got my report card today. I made the dean's list again. whoohoo! ::does a little dance:: I managed to pull an A in brit lit. I don't know how that was possible, but I guess my writing on the final exam and paper was pretty darn good.

Is all. =)

movie experience: matrix reloaded

I saw The Matrix: Reloaded yesterday afternoon. It was so awesome. I could have done without the first third of the movie. It was really slow. However, after that, some very intriguing characters were introduced, such as Seraph, the Gatekeeper, Merovingian, and Persephone. I can't really say anything else w/out spoiling the movie. Plus, there's a lot I can say, and I don't want to get into it.

I'll have more art up soon, hopefully, so stay tuned. =)

Thursday, May 15, 2003

I'm so happy I finally got my blog to work.

Last night I had my first talk at the Kingdom Hall about why the doctrine of predestination is unreasonable. I was so incredibly nervous, but luckily, I didn't stumble over my words and I got through it ok. Now I don't have to worry about my next talk for a looong time.

I don't have any new artwork just yet. I'm working on coloring this drawing of artgyrl. It's for the new summer layout that I'm gonna put up. So if you come here one day and the site looks really messed up, it won't be like that for long--hopefully. ^_^

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

::New link:: adi granov
This guy's character designs are so amazing. You have to look at them right now.

I'm still working on the new site design. I finally got my blog to work on here. It was very frustrating trying to figure that ftp thing out. It's probably not that hard to most people, I'm just really slow or something. But I'm glad that it works now.