Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Rose fan art & GD history doodles

Hi guys. Got a few new drawings:

Right now I'm unwillinly chillin' in the graphic desing computer lab. We can only print for two printers and there are like fifteen people here wanting to print multiple couples of their projects. My name is near the end of the list. I'm tired, and hungry and want to go home. :( After I get home I've still got to mount my project on some matte board. I could put that off til tomorrow morning though. . .

Graphic Design sucks. :/

Monday, October 20, 2003

I updated the characters, colors, and fan art pages with thumbnails. So if you think you missed anything that I posted in this blog, check out those pages.

AG fa nart by g-darious

It's funny when you stumble upon fan art of your character that you didn't even know existed:

artgyrl by g-darius

Friday, October 17, 2003

Bend It Like Beckham, type self portrait

I finally got to see "Bend it Like Beckham" about a week ago. I wasn't disappointed at all, and now it's one of my favorite movies.

My last project in Typography class was to design a logo using my initials (SS). The design had to be look good when rendered large and small, and it also had to reflect our personality. Here's what I came up with:

prelim sketch | final design—done in Adobe Illustrator 10

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

artgyrl fall '03

I did this drawing a couple of weeks ago for a new design I had in my head: artgyrl

To bed I go. Got to wake up early to finish a last-minute project. :p

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Femal Figure

::new art: *nudity warning*

figure drawings 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

I'm really proud drawings 3 and 4. I actually really loathe getting ready to go to that class because it's almost three hours long, and it's so monotonous in that we have the same model all the time. I wouldn't mind a little variety, but I understand that people willing to model nude are hard to come by. Still, I'm getting a lot of practice drawing a voluptuous female figure.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

figure drawing: fara, jane doe, mohammed

A little over a week ago I turned in my first test in History of Graphic Design. It was a take-home test in which we had to complete four essays discussing what was talked about in lecture and in the first six chapters of the textbook. Of course, I waited til the night before it was due—Sunday—to start on it. I finished it up Monday morning. To my shock and amazement I pulled off an 88. I so thought I was going to be one of the people he asked to rewrite their tests.

Today we didn't have a nude model in figure drawing class. So people took turns posing, and we got to draw clothed figures. Actually, we're supposed to draw about three clothed figures a week outside of class in our sketchbooks, but hardly anyone has been keeping up with that continuing assignment. It was a nice change of pace. I must apologize to Fara for making her look like a man. My excuse is that I had a dull pencil that didn't allow me to execute the delicate feminine features of her face. :P Also, my little sister informed me that if I just add a pointed tail, Mohammed will look like the dashing Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler).

fara | jane doe | mohammed