Sunday, March 28, 2004

Well. . . I am so lazy. I've been kinda busy w/ school work as well. I've got some big projects in two of my classes, but hopefully I'll be more industrious and studious and not wait til the last minute to complete them this time.

The Graphic Design Association is having it's first graphic design competition and gallery showing, so I entered two things. One of them was the t-design for the EWW Fest. They have some cool prizes up for grabs: $100, a 2 day/1 night hotel stay, and a 1 month gallery showing; so it would be really great if I places in the show, though I really don't expect to win anything. Still, it's good exposure.

I'll try to post pics of the event if I can.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

It's been a week since I got my ears pierced. Much thanx to Jessica:

Nicole got her ears done the next day as planned:

Of course, she had to get the slightly larger,
more expensive studs. But that's just her style.

The rest of Spring Break was pretty uneventful until the weekend, when I attended a religious convention. That was cool. My sisters' have their break next week, so we'll probably go to the beach then.

And I guess you guys would like to see some new artwork. . .so I'll have to remember to put some up.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Yeah, so I didn't make my appointment at David's Bridal, because I had other engagements, which I ended up not going to either. However, I'll reschedule that soon. I'm really bad w/ remembering appointments, though. Tomorrow I've got one at the optometrist, but I programmed my cell phone to remind me.

I did so something absolutely spontaneous today though:

I'm 21 years old and never had my ears pierced. My parents never got me or my sisters's ear's pierced because they wanted it to be our decision when we were old enough (18). Ironically, Jamaal was the one that suggested I get it done, as we were passing by Claire's Boutique. Every other time I had mentioned it, he said he wouldn't like it. But he had a change of heart, and I was still unsure if I really wanted to get it done, since it's kinda superficial. . .but then so many things are.

Another plus is that I pierced my ears before my sister Nicole, who turns 18 tomorrow and had been counting the days until she could get it done. She wanted me to get mine done with her, but I wasn't completely sure I would do it. I wasn't willing to go through discomfort and potential health risks of the procedure (it didn't hurt at all).

When I got home I did't say anything about my ears, and just waited for her to notice. The look on her face was golden. That alone made the whole thing worth it.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Spring Break '04

. . .and I've got no plans.

I don't know why we have it so early. It's barely warm now, but it's least it's not still freezing like last year. I really need this break though. This past week was so hectic, because I had two projects due in graphic design classes (in both instances, the instuctor's were like, "oh, let's make this due on Monday." Someone interjects, "Monday is Spring Break." "Oh, well, sorry, it's due Friday."), and Tuesday I totally bombed my art history test. In my desktop publishing class, however, I did do this collage that I'm pretty proud of, so I'll post that, and some other stuff later today.

I got a commission that I'm working on, so I'm documenting it as a work in progress, so I can eventually post it here as a kind of tutorial for anyone who's wondering how I do my photorealism pieces. Hopefully I'll get it done by the end of this week. I'm really trying to start procrastinating. I do good for a while then I fall back into a rut.

Today I've got an appointment at David's Bridal to try to pick out a wedding dress and related things. So now I guess I can officially start my wedding blog. Yay me! ^_^

Friday, March 05, 2004

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

The Silk Road

The Silk Road is this relatively new store in the mall where lots of cool Chinese merchandise is sold, such as dresses, tea sets, jade jewelry, weapons. It's has a really nice atmosphere, so Jamaal, Nicole, Laura and I like to stop by whenever we go to the mall. The store is run by a mother (June) and daughter (Qiao). Qiao (pronounced "Chow") is really nice and adorable. Her name means "smile", which really fits her personality.

Nicole bought a dress from them a few months ago. The didn't have one in the store that was her size (she's 5'10 and a healthy girl), so June took Nicole's measurements and ordered the dress from China. How cool is that? The dress was a little too big when it came in, So June altered it for free! I'm thinking about getting a dress made for me to wear to my wedding reception.

Here are a couple of pics from when Nicole went to pick up her dress after it was altered.

Jamaal bought me this bag as a suprise.
A lot of people at school have told me it was cool—even a guy. ^_^