Friday, February 27, 2004

Hey. . .

Long time no see. I've been really busy w/ school work and such, getting the oracle magazine ready and stuff. Sorry for the lack of updates. I'll try to put some new art up this weekend, things I've done in my design classes.

The day before yesterday it had been raining all day, and that night it finally hailed. We don't get much frozed precipitation 'round these here parts, so I took some pics. =)

Friday, February 13, 2004

Hey guys, I set up an online store. So go check it out. I'll be putting up more merchandise in the coming days.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Noooo. . .

Dudes. . . I really need to get more organized with my schedule.

I say this because today I missed an Oracle meeting because I was hanging out with Jamaal, trying to make him feel better because he's sick. The kicker is that last night I stayed late at the computer lab at school trying to get stuff done to present at the meeting. . .Then when I finally remembered the meeting it was almost 9 pm (meeting was at 5:45).


I also had an art history test today that I barely studied for. And it wasn't like I didn't have time to. I just kept putting it off to do other things, like surfing the 'net, reading fanfiction and going to the library checking out a graphic novel to read instead of my text book. But I think I actually may have passed the test.

And then I still have to find a place to have my wedding. So I have to get stuff together soon.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

time capsule

My parents were going throught boxes of old papers and things, and came across my notebook from my Art I class in high school. Seeing old drawing of mine dated '98 made me feel so old. Has it really been almost three years since I graduated from high school?

It's a cool coincidence, though, because I was just thinking about my old artwork not too long ago, and making a new gallery for it here. So now I have something to put in it. We did a lot of drawing exercises in that class. My teacher, Mrs. Holman, focused on teaching us how to draw accurately and training our perceptive powers to observe the details of the world around us. It's gonna take me a while to scan all the stuff, but I'll try to have it up in not too long.

Lates. =P

Monday, February 02, 2004

en retard

Today I woke up at 10:20 a.m.

My first class starts at 10:10.

So. . .yeah. I was late.

But I wasn't the latest person. Has it ever happened where you really late for something, but if someone else comes in after you, you still feel a little better about being late. Because then you know you weren't the the latest. And it seems that everytime I've come in late, the teacher is in the middle of lecturing, which makes it more obvious that I'm late. But two other people came arrived after I did. But they didn't come in while the instructor was talking, so my arrival still seems to have made more of an intrusion, because of the circumstances.

I think too much. . .definitely.