Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Fall Semester 2003: art supplies is raping my funds, figure drawing initiation

It's three days into the first week of school and everything is going pretty well. Monday started off horribly, because of complications from Sunday night that spilled over into the wee hours of the next morning. But all is remedied now.

On the other hand, school supplies is killer. I feel for the people that have to work and pay their own way through college. Just yesterday I spent almost $300 on textbooks, and today bought $80 worth of supplies from the art store (I got a 25% discount though.) I can't believe the most expensive thing on the list was a friggin' technical pen--$25. So I'd better get my money's worth out of this stuff.

I'm also taking figure drawing this semester, which means that tomorrow I get to draw a nude female for the first time. That should be fun. :p

Thursday, August 21, 2003

slumber party inks

::new new art: slumber party inks

Who knows, maybe I'll even have slumber party colors in the near future. ^_^

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

slumber party & 7000 hits

::new art: slumber party

I think it's a fun way to celebrate 7000 hits. Thanx for all your support. =)

Saturday, August 16, 2003

Niceville & Eglin AFB

Hi guys. I'm writing from a computer in the lobby of the Holiday Inn Express in Niceville, FL. I thought I'd get some drawing done while I was here, but it looks like that's not going to happen. . .other than working on my commission. But it's really nice here. The family, Jamaal, and I went to the beach and chilled. Before that Jamaal took me on a little tour of the flight line at Eglin Air Force Base. Some of the fun was taken away by some ignorant Air Force guys wondering if we had a permit for the camera we used, even though they announced over the radio that Jamaal would be escorting me around there, before we went over there. "We didn't hear anything about it," says this big black guy w/ freckles. I must point out that a radio was no where in his vicinity. No duh, you didn't hear it.

But I took pictures of them just standing around pretending to work. I'll have some post the pics when I get back home. ;)

Friday, August 08, 2003

movie experience: Bend It Like Beckham & Tomb Raider II

Last weekend, Jamaal and I had the most interesting experience at the movies. For the longest time I had been wanting to see Bend it Like Beckham but I never got around to going to see it. Eventually it was out of theaters. But then Pirates of the Carribbean came out, and the girl starring in it--Keira Knightley--was also in Bend it Like Beckham. So they rereleased the movie, I think to make more money, cuz it got good reviews and all that.

So, we're having a good time watching the movie. It's funny, and the story is just starting to go somewhere, when at a serious plot development point, the movie shuts off. So. . .long story short, after about 40 min of the incompetent teens working at the movie theater messing around w/ the projector, they can't get the movie to come back on. However, the manager gave us all a rain check to see another movie free w/in the next 30 days. But we also got to see whatever movie was playing at the time for free. We ended up seeing Tomb Raider 2. It was ok. . .much better than the first one at least. I think there were way too many close-ups on Angelina Jolie's lips.

So, we got two free movies out of the deal, but I still don't know what happened at the end of Bend it Like Beckham.

Crimson fan art

::new art: crimson - a character from an online rpg.

I wanted a change of pace so I decided to draw someone elses character. It looks ok, I guess, except for the fact that it looks like she's floating in the air. She's not.