Tuesday, July 29, 2003

summer class finale & yard work

Well, I'm done with my summer classes. I had my last exam in public speaking yesterday. The prof let us grade our own tests, so by my calculations I made about an 83 (he goes back and adjusts the score up or down). Not as good a grade as I wanted, but it's pretty good considering how I bluffed my way through some of the answered. Honestly, who reads the textbook anyway?

For anyone who's interested, I made an A- on my final project in 3D design. Hopefully I'll make an A in that class, and raise my GPA a bit. It's not really low in the first place, but I like to stay in range of the Dean's List.

I had to work with my dad today, and it was absolutely exhausting. He does lawn maintenance and cuts down trees. After the first yard we did, I was ready to be through. See, he makes me edge around the yards, that where you used this machine--an edger, go figure--and you go and around where the grass meets the sidewalk and it trims it up all nice and pretty. However, it's better if you have a lot of upper body strength, which I don't. So I'm all achy and stuff, and my dad wants me to go back out working tomorrow. :/