Friday, July 25, 2003

movie experience: POTC

Yesterday afternoon I went to see "Pirates of the Caribbean" with my older sister. It was a lot better than I thought it would be. Johnny Depp is great in practically any role, and Orlando Bloom was his usual hot self. Now that I think about it, the movie reminds me a bit of "The Three Musketeers." You know, the one starring Keifer Sutherland, Charlie Sheen, Oliver Platt and Chris O'Donnell. . .? Well, Orlando Bloom's character reminded me of Chris O'Donnell as he portrayed the young D'Artagnan. I guess it was the whole head-strong-young-lad-trying-to-prove-himself-andcome-into-his-own-while-at-the-same-time-trying-to-live-up-to-his-father's-example thing.