Almost two and a half weeks ago, my dog, Madelyn, gave birth to eight healthy puppies (hooray!). Sadly, Madelyn developed
mastitis. Consequently, we have to ween the puppies early. Madelyn has to be separated from the puppies completely, so see will stop lactating and the infection will go away. They were supposed to nurse for at least another week, but the vet gave us formula to feed them, and we started them on puppy chow. I was surprised at how quickly the puppies took to the new food, but they can't get enough of it. However, it's a big responsibility having to feed them every four hours. . . but they're so darn cute that it doesn't really matter.
The puppies are super muts. Their dad is part rottweiler and some kind of husky/wolf dog; he's got white-blue eyes, but looks mostly like a german shepard. We don't know what the heck Madelyn is. She's a pound puppy. But we love them all. =)