Monday, April 24, 2006

Shortly before the end

+ listening to: "Duck and Run" by 3 Doors Down

So, I've got a week left until the end of the semester. I've still so much work to do.

Today, I was the recipient of a writing award for a paper written for a group project that I did last Spring in my Writing for Mass Media Class. I got a nice little certificate and a $25 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble. After the awards ceremony, I immediate went to the store and purchased the book 1,000 Bags, Tags & Labels: Distinctive Designs for Every Industry, to help me with my designs. I still have yet to come up with a design for my type dominant poster. Argh. I think I'm just overthinking the whole thing, like I tend to do with my photography projects, which causes me to get started really late.

I was suddenly hit with the realization that I'll be a college graduate very soon. I'm like, oh my God. What am I to do after graduation? Granted, I'll still have one more photography class to take, but I'll be out in the real world. One thing my internship has taught me is that there are so many thing I don't know. Right now I'd say my most marketable skill is that I can use a Mac; that's just how inept I feel as a graphic designer. I know that I'm not a bad artist. I'm actually a rather decent artist. I just feel extremely intimidated and overwhelmed about presenting my work, and competing with other people who know a lot more than I do about design.

::While pausing to collect her thoughts, Sharon wonders who left a bag of Reese's Pieces on her desk::

I constantly console myself with the knowledge that, in the very least, I can draw.

1 comment:

Id it is said...

Well even the old oak tree was once a nut!
You'll do more than fine; you'll design!