Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Sitting, Wishing, Waiting

I really should be in bed right now.

I've got a project due tomorrow that's totally not done.

I've got to go to my internship at 9 a.m. again. I started a blog about it, since I'm required to keep a written journal about my experiences as part of the curriculum.

It's interesting the way I relate to people. I see so many qualities about myself in someone. We're so much alike. . . too much alike, it feels like, at times. . .I'm glad of it though—the awareness, I mean. I helps me keep the proper perspective on things.

I'm behind on the aformentioned journal already. It doesn't help that my digital camera is fading on me. I've had it about 2 years, I guess, and the display screen keeps going out. I guess it didn't help that it's been dropped a bunch of times. I have a new one on order from amazon.com, but I ordered it a week ago, and they have yet to ship it. Still, it's like, $40 cheaper than buying it from Wal-Mart, so I must be patient.

Ho hum. . . I guess I'll update my other blog now.

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