Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hopes and Fears

For the first few sessions of my Senior Portfolio class, the instructor will go through our work and tell us what we should keep, change, and do new. Looking through all my work last night, I was greatly discouraged by what I perceive to be the substandard quality of my work. I mean, while I was doing it, I thought it was really good. However, there were a lot of things about the work that I knew then I should probably fix, but I told myself I'd just redo it at a later date.

Now it seems I have all this work that needs fixing. I'm sure it's not as bad as I think, because I made A's and B's on most of my projects, but looking at it now it seems so sophomoric and unrealized. I'm almost embarrassed to show it. The one thing I am proud of though, are the illustrations that I did for projects.

I guess I'm just really afraid of what the professor will say. He's been doing graphic design and illustration for a very long time, so he really knows a lot about the subject. I've always felt that though I have great rendering abilities as far as drawing, that I didn't really measure up as a graphic designer. I just don't feel like I'm that creative. I'm probably being too hard on myself. It's getting to be crunch time as far as school is concerned, and soon I'll be out in the job market. The whole purpose of the class is too improve one's portfolio, so I guess I don't really have that much to worry about.

I just hope I don't get too harsh of a critique.

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