I've never drawn anything quite this ugly—at least on purpose anyway. But I'm glad it turned out pretty good on the first try. I think it helped that I watched a whole documentary on the making of Gollum's character on the appendix DVD. The LOTR movie are so much better w/ the extended scenes. righteous. . . righteous. . .! Sorry, had a Finding Nemo flashback there. . .
Anyway. I had a fun weekend. I broke down and participated a little in the seemingly compulsary end-of-the-year bolster of the U.S. economy. But I got a really hot looking lawyer-esque suit out of the deal. It's cool to have a fiancé who buys things for you because he thinks you look good in it. Actually, the suit is quite conservative, but it's made really well, and I look all professional and mature. It's a nice change of pace, since I turned 21 Sunday.
I don't do birthday celebrations, but these last couple of years have been these stages leading up to legal adulthood:
18 - voting rights, no longer a minor
19 - can buy cigarettes (in Alabama)
20 - no longer a teenager, but not yet legal
21 - officially and adult, can legally drink away my sorrows
No wonder so many young people are depressed. . . I feel so old now.
The end of the semester is winding down. This is the last week. Next week is finals, but I only have to worry about two exams. Then there's two design projects and one last take-home test for art history. ::sigh:: After that's done I've got a month and a half to relax before the Spring Semester. Plus, I'll attempt to get my comic underway, but don't hold your breath on that. :P