But It's not the end of the work. I've still got stuff to do. I've got one design project out of the way. I have to go to the computer lab to finish my typography final, then I've got an exam in that class on top of that. But it shouldn't be that difficult since it's basically going to be a compilation of all of our previous tests.
I still have to write two huge essays for art history. I'm glad that my professor threw in a 10 point bonus question. If I get all of those points and make an A on this final, then I can have an A for the course. But it's probably not going to happen.
I'm supposed to go see Honey with my sister this evening. I'd rather wait til it comes to video and go see The Last Samurai instead, but I promised. I've resigned to try and see only action movies at the theater, because they look the best on the big screen, and i wanted to save the dramas for at home viewing. Oh well, there's always the exception. I thin Honey is going to be at least decent. I know the plot not going to be oscar-worthy or anything, but I'm pretty sure I'll be entertained for an hour and a half at least.