Saturday, December 18, 2004


I just got back from taking my little sister and her friend to a high school basketball tournament that was 30 miles away in the middle of nowhere. What fun. Alabama is great for that. Not to mention the horribly inaccurate directions my mom gave me from yahoo!. Driving down and dark, sinuous highway when you don't know where you're going isn't the best way to spend a Saturday night. It's a good thing her school won, otherwise. . .

The team is rather good, though. They're currently undefeated I actually enjoy watching basketball very much. I guess I like the physicality of the game the most, how the players are aggressive, yet graceful, all at the same time. My dad always says, "Basketball is a contact sport." And I believe that's true in a sense. (I'm in no way referring to the brawl that broke out between those players and fans that has created so much controversy recently.)

Then there's school. Sigh. I'm so ready for it to be over. I'm on break right now, so I've been taking it easy. I still have a lot of art work from Figure Drawing that I need to upload. I'm finally done with that class (I had to have three), but Claire (my instructor), said that I could come back anytime to the class and draw, so hopefully I'll have time between my two intensive graphic design classes and photography to do it. I shudder just thinking of all the lab hours I'm going to spend on campus next semester.

We'll see how often I get to update then.

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