Monday, August 02, 2004

summer class '04 finale; The Village, Bourne Supremacy

School is finally over for the summer, so I get a month break, right?


This morning I get a call from my good friend Nestor, asking me to take him to get car and then follow him to the auto repair place so he'd have a ride back home. Actually, he called Jamaal, but I had his phone. I also had Jamaal's car, so he couldn't take him. And all this transpires before 7:30 a.m.

Well, at least I got free breakfast out of it.


I saw The Village last night. It was good. Typical M. Night Shyamalan surprise-ending, but the story was very engaging as well, with a very character-driven plot. I'm not gonna give anything away, but the music really made the movie. I mean, they're be all this scary, moody music, and then nothing would happen, which lulls the into a false sense of security, then BAM! something happens. The suspense was great.

Last weekend I saw The Bourne Supremacy. It had an awesome car-chase scene at the end, but the plot wasn't quite fulfilling just, but more so than the first. I anticipate a third installment of the film some time soon.

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