Monday, March 15, 2004

Spring Break '04

. . .and I've got no plans.

I don't know why we have it so early. It's barely warm now, but it's least it's not still freezing like last year. I really need this break though. This past week was so hectic, because I had two projects due in graphic design classes (in both instances, the instuctor's were like, "oh, let's make this due on Monday." Someone interjects, "Monday is Spring Break." "Oh, well, sorry, it's due Friday."), and Tuesday I totally bombed my art history test. In my desktop publishing class, however, I did do this collage that I'm pretty proud of, so I'll post that, and some other stuff later today.

I got a commission that I'm working on, so I'm documenting it as a work in progress, so I can eventually post it here as a kind of tutorial for anyone who's wondering how I do my photorealism pieces. Hopefully I'll get it done by the end of this week. I'm really trying to start procrastinating. I do good for a while then I fall back into a rut.

Today I've got an appointment at David's Bridal to try to pick out a wedding dress and related things. So now I guess I can officially start my wedding blog. Yay me! ^_^