Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Spring Semester '04 gripes

Sorry I haven't been updating lately. I started working on a piece using my new Wacom tablet, and I had planned to finish this weekend, but Jamaal came to visit and I didn't get any drawing done. We spent most of our time riding around and hanging out.

School started last week and I guess it's back to normal. I'm taking four classes, which is the lightest course load I've had since I started college, but I couldn't get into the other classes I wanted, like Photography. Hopefully I'll be able to get in over the summer. I did, however, manage to get into the much-in-demand Graphic Design Production class this semester, but the situation is rather dire. There are fifteen working computers and eighteen people in the class. . .So, somebody's got to get together and complain the the right people cuz that just isn't right. And you can't make people drop the class because a lot of people have waited a long time to get into the class. It's really frustrating. The entire art department is lacking financially, and it's really not fair because there are a lot of excellent professors, but they can't do their jobs fully because they don't have the money to get the supplies that we need. Makes you wonder where your tuition money is actually going. . .But I hope everything will work out.

It's only the second week and I'm already behind on work. I've got to get some thumbnails sketches done for my production class. We're supposed to be creating a logo for a company letterhead, business card, and envelope. I'm going to use my friends indy record company and make just redesign their logo. Hopefully it'll turn out well.