Monday, November 10, 2003

Rose fan art color progress; movies: runaway jury, bend it like beckham, whale rider, finding nemo

My younger sisters are out of school today and tomorrow, but I'm not. I wish I was though; I need a break. I'm getting sick, and right now I've got a sore throat. Last night I kept waking up having to blow my nose, but luckily I had napped earlier that evening, so I didn't lose as much sleep as I normally would have.

In the art sector, I'm currently coloring the fan art piece that I did for Frank.

I haven't been coloring much artwork lately, mostly because it's hard, and I wasn't that good. But I've resigned myself to practice and get at least decent at it. When you add color to a drawing it can change the way the image is interpreted so much from how you originally intended. It can completely alter the mood of the piece. So I have to work on keeping the same feeling from the pencils to the colors.

::Other news:
_latest movie: runaway jury
_latest dvd purchase: bend it like beckham, finding nemo
_slatest dvd rental: whale rider - you must see this movie! The lead actress—the stunning Keisha Castle-Hughes—bears and uncanny resemblance to my little sister.