Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Micah Gunnell, wedding date

::New Link: son of daVinci

Featuring the art of Micah Gunnell, this is an awesome site. I first met Micah back in the days of ComixMatrix (a now defunct site similar to deviantART). He has a very awesome and distinctive style, and has the potential to go far in the comic industry. So you guys definitely need to check him out.

Over the weekend Jamaal and I finally set a date for our wedding. So things are going to be moving along in that direction now. We're going to setting up a wedding blog to keep whoever cares informed of what's going on, so look out for that.

I've got two more classes today. But no school tomorrow. ::artgyrl dances a jig::. No Thanksgiving celebration for me, but I may go and check out the sales that are going to be on. The only thing is that so many other people are going to be out also. Wouldn't it make sense to just forgo the holiday shopping and just buy everything after New Years? I think so.

Sunday, November 23, 2003

password recovery

Dude. . . I was messing around forever trying to recover the password to my guestbook. I hadn't edited the settings since I first installed it, so the password had left my memory. I emailed my host and everything asking if they knew how I could retrieve it. In the meantime, I was trying all these different username/password combos trying to see if any would work. Then, all of a sudden, the password popped in my head. I typed it in, expecting to get another error message, and—whadaya know—it worked.

I really need to start writing this stuff down.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

dA ID2

Thursday night I had done my hair for the Kingdom Hall, and it was looking cuter than it had in a long time. I wanted to capture the moment for posterity, so I took a bunch of pics. A couple came out decent, since it's hard for me to take pictures of myself—for some reason I always look crazy. Then I decided to put my nascent design skills to the test and whip out a new deviant ID.

I think I'm going to have to start a new gallery exclusively for my design work.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

birthmonth quiz

I found this quiz while surfing live journal.

Choose your birthmonth, stike through those that don't apply, and bold those that do:

Has a lot of ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinks forward. Unique and brilliant. Extraordinary ideas. Sharp thinking. Fine and strong clairvoyance. Can become good doctors. Dynamic in personality. Secretive. Inquisitive. Knows how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative but amiable. Brave and generous. Patient. Stubborn and hard-hearted. If there is a will, there is a way. Determined. Never give up. Hardly becomes angry unless provoked. Loves to be alone. Thinks differently from others. Sharp-minded. Motivates oneself. Does not appreciate praises. High-spirited. Well-built and tough. Deep love and emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest and keeps secrets. Not able to control emotions. Unpredictable.

A pretty interesting waste of time. :P

Sunday, November 16, 2003

8000 hits!

That's so awesome. Thanx everyone for all your support once again. I'll try to have a commemorative image up here soon. I'm getting over my cold now, and this definitely makes me feel better. :)

Next order of business. . . My art is now on the oracle website. There's not much there now, but I'm sure the webmistress is still in the process of redesigning everything, so more will be featured there eventually. Thanx so much to Susan.

I did some fan art for another creator over at arson entertainment (gotta share the art love, ya know).. It's my interpretation of Isa's character's Kim and Miana, from his comic EarthGuard.

Is all for now. Have a nice day. =P

Thursday, November 13, 2003

sick with "the crud", Oracle meeting

I'm sick. . .pity me. :(

Just kidding, but I really am sick. I've got that whole sore throat, runny nose, head cold thing. I think it's known as "the crud". I was feeling really bad yesterday and had a fever. I was doing way to many things when I should have been resting. I hadn't gotten much sleep that night because, once again, my nose was acting up. I feel a lot better today though. I still can't talk—which got to be a problem since we had critiques today and we're graded by how much we comment—but I don't feel nearly as horrible as yesterday.

I went to the production design meeting yesterday to present my flyer design. Though they didn't chose mine, they really like the illustration, so Susan (the woman in charge of the web site) is going to use if for the site design. So I'm happy about that.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Rose fan art color progress; movies: runaway jury, bend it like beckham, whale rider, finding nemo

My younger sisters are out of school today and tomorrow, but I'm not. I wish I was though; I need a break. I'm getting sick, and right now I've got a sore throat. Last night I kept waking up having to blow my nose, but luckily I had napped earlier that evening, so I didn't lose as much sleep as I normally would have.

In the art sector, I'm currently coloring the fan art piece that I did for Frank.

I haven't been coloring much artwork lately, mostly because it's hard, and I wasn't that good. But I've resigned myself to practice and get at least decent at it. When you add color to a drawing it can change the way the image is interpreted so much from how you originally intended. It can completely alter the mood of the piece. So I have to work on keeping the same feeling from the pencils to the colors.

::Other news:
_latest movie: runaway jury
_latest dvd purchase: bend it like beckham, finding nemo
_slatest dvd rental: whale rider - you must see this movie! The lead actress—the stunning Keisha Castle-Hughes—bears and uncanny resemblance to my little sister.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Late night at the lab for typography

I finally got my project printed that I mentioned in the last entry. I ended up leaving the computer lab at nearly 1 a.m. The last person didn't get done until 2:15. I love Stephen the lab tech for staying there so late when the lab was supposed to close at 11 p.m. The project that caused all this headache: type self portrait. The whole thing is made out of typographical symbols.

Jamaal surprised me this weekend. It was our 1st anniversary and I didn't expect him to be able to come visit this weekend, but he came anyway and we hung out, went to dinner, went shopping. It was great. ^_^

I've also got two more pieces of art:

Enjoy. :)