Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Fall Semester 2003: art supplies is raping my funds, figure drawing initiation

It's three days into the first week of school and everything is going pretty well. Monday started off horribly, because of complications from Sunday night that spilled over into the wee hours of the next morning. But all is remedied now.

On the other hand, school supplies is killer. I feel for the people that have to work and pay their own way through college. Just yesterday I spent almost $300 on textbooks, and today bought $80 worth of supplies from the art store (I got a 25% discount though.) I can't believe the most expensive thing on the list was a friggin' technical pen--$25. So I'd better get my money's worth out of this stuff.

I'm also taking figure drawing this semester, which means that tomorrow I get to draw a nude female for the first time. That should be fun. :p