Thursday, September 30, 2004

breaking the habit

I've got a World Lit test at 11:00, and I have less than an hour left to study. I should have done it last night, but decided instead to work on my business card for another class. Then I remembered that I only have that class once a week. (It's supposed to be on Tuesday and Thursday.)

Wish me luck. :/

Last week I had my first test in Sociology. I missed two days of class including the review before the test. The test had been pushed back to last Thursday because of the hurricane, but I forgot. So I walk in class and everyone looks to be studying. Shoot. So I quickly glance over my notes. I hadn't bought a text book because it's rediculously overpriced, and I'm only taking this class to fill space. So I was going to see how I did on the first test and then decide whether or not I need to buy the book. I made an 88 on the test, so no book for me. It missed making an A by one question. So it seems that had I not missed those two days of class, I would have made that A.

Monday, September 27, 2004

8 AM

The only reason I'm up this early is because I had to get up to take Jamaal to his postal examination, which began at 7:30. Today is the first day of school since the hurricane so traffic was a bit much. My sister told me I look like a soccer mom with the hat on. I've had it over a year, but I'm not a hat person, so this is my first time wearing it.

I've got a lot of stuff to do to day so I guess it's good that I'm up early. I've got to finish my homework for figure drawing, redesign my business card for professional practices, and finish reading Ovid's Metarmorphoses for tomorrow. I also have to study with Jamaal, and ink my Dyanna & Neera drawing.

::Nicole just walked in, harassing me::

I guess I'll go now.

Oh. . . If you haven't seen it already, rent Mean Girls. It's not a chick flick. It's a really smart comedy.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Ivan Survivor

So I made it through my first hurricane. Now I have one more story to bore my kids with in the future.

For a while, it looked like the eye of Hurricane Ivan was going to hit Mobile. But it veered off at the last moment and completely trashed Pensacola, FL. I think people are just starting to be able to go back home in that area. I was very fortunate in particular. My family had a generator going through the whole ordeal (with the power going out at around 9:30 PM Wednesday), and only had to go without power for a day and a half. There are still people having to stand in line to get clean water, and searching for reasonably priced generators to buy, because they're still without electricity.

a tree fallen through a garage, with the car inside. =(

For a few days there was a dusk til dawn curfew to keep the homes of evacuees from being looted. It was very eerie driving around at night to approach intersections that were completely dark. No flashing caution lights or anything. Three traffic lights on University Boulevard were blown to pieces, literally, and the sign at the Shell gas station across the street was totaled. My university was quick to get things back up and running. Classes resumed today. Public schools, however, are out indefinitely, or until, next Monday at least. On the down side, I didn't get any reading done for my World Lit class, so I'll have to cram it all in tonight. Things are definitely getting back to normal.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Storm Watch

Looks like Hurricane Ivan is headed my way. My hometown (Mobile, AL) is right in the projected path of the storm. The last category 5 hurricane to hit my area was Fredrick in 1979, three years before I was born. My dad said that after the storm he saw rows of pine trees that were snapped off at the top. That's some pretty strong stuff. People are stocking up on supplies at Wal-Mart now, and the storm is expected to hit sometime between Wednesday night and Thursday morning. I don't have to worry about flooding in my part of town, but some trees might fall over. On a positive note, I won't have to go to school for two days.

The last hurricane I can remember actually making it to Mobile was hurricane Danny a few years ago. I think I was in high school then. The funny thing is that the storm didn't come on land. It just stopped in the bay, and kept sucking all the water out, pouring all this rain onto the city for like three days straight. That was pretty weird.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Justin & Jonathan

I got some new pets.

Their names were inspired by the movie The Secret of NIMH. They're brothers. Jonathan is the dominant one, but he's more afraid of people than Justin.